In recent years water bills have risen about €10 on average. In the Taibilla basin, which consists mainly of the south of Alicante province, these increases are caused among other things, by the reduced contribution of the Tajo river, making it necessary to resort to desalination plants and consequently the final cost is increased, ultimately resulting in a higher water consumption bill.
How can we personally reduce, or at least not increase our water bill?
The answer is simple: DON’T USE SO MUCH WATER
Here at Esclapes e Hijos, we want to do our bit for the economy and share some simple tips to help reduce water consumption.
We must start by analysing the current situation relating to water consumption. The average water consumption per inhabitant per day in our country is between 250 and 300 litres. The approximate distribution of water use in a house as follows:
• Shower and bathtub 35%
• Toilets 30%
• Washing machine and dishwasher 23-25%
• Kitchen and drinking 10%
• Other 2-4%
Implementing new water saving practices helps improve the environment. We don’t need a drought to encourage us to start making good use of our natural resources.
What measures can we take to reduce water consumption?
• When it comes to personal hygiene, it should be taken into account that taking a shower consumes 4 times less energy and water than taking a bath. It is becoming more normal to replace bathtubs with shower trays, with the added benefit of gaining more space inside our bathrooms.
• With the installation of water aerators, the water is diffused so that we get the same sensation of quantity of water and washing as without it but with less water consumption.
Thermostatic taps
• Invest in good thermostatic faucets which help reach the desired temperature of water in a faster and more reliable way. This is the best and fastest way to reach the desired temperature and flow. This means less water loss while waiting for this point. In other words, you don’t have to wait for the water to rise to a certain temperature during which you let the water run, wasting water which is too hot or cold.
Double push-button toilets
• Putting double push-button toilets means 35% of the water we use is for this function. Choosing one or the other flush in each specific case ensures immediate savings.
Hot water
• Install devices to ensure that the hot water inside the circuit is not lost and what is left in the pipeline is not wasted while waiting to reach the desired temperature, use recovery circuits, and improve the insulation of the installation to minimise heat loss.
Reuse water
• Add an individual installation that recovers and reuses grey water from the sink, shower and bath, to be reused in toilet flushes. This installation can represent approximately 35% of the water consumption in houses and that, more or less, would compensate for the amount of water that is used in the toilets, therefore offering a considerable final saving.
Leaks and losses
• Always maintain all water supply facilities, avoiding leaks and losses and improving the performance of the facilities. This helps reduce consumption and also prevents further problems since a loss of water not only causes greater consumption, but also uncontrolled water could filter anywhere and cause damage that requires repairs and lost money.
Don’t use water frivolously
• And above all, and most importantly the best way to save water is:
These are some basic tips which you should reflect on deeply because it is not enough to follow them, but also to raise awareness about the issue and change your mindset and attitude.
Although some of the advice provided involves a reform or even new installation of elements with a small financial investment, the results are not without reward.