WHAT IS THE 48H EXPRESS SERVICE? It is a service of the Department of Urban Care of the Hon. Alicante City Council, which resolves incidents reported by citizens about public and/or street lighting. Our company ESCLAPÉS E HIJOS SL is currently awarded the contract for the provision of this service. It is a fast service and exclusively addresses those incidents that present a risk or danger to citizens, that have a simple solution, and that do not require any administrative procedure by the City Council. If it were necessary to report any such incident to this service, you can contact them directly on the official website of the Hon. Alicante City Council at www.alicante.es, or using the 24 hour helpline on 965 148 148 or by filling out the form for this purpose and forwarding it to the e-mail address atencion48horas@alicante.es For your convenience, the link is attached below http://www.alicante.es/redir.php?apartado=ciudadano&pagina=tramite_48h.php&titulo=Atenci%F3n%20Express%2048%20horas%20%20Atenci%F3n%20Urbana%20/%20Ay Ayuntamiento%20de%20Alicante